Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts Feb: Richard Jackman

At the 3rd February breakfast Mark Bunting, a local supporter of Pick Ups for Peace, gave an inspirational talk about the efforts of the charity which pulls together a convoy of donated 4 WD vehicles, ambulances and quad bikes every few months to deliver aid and equipment directly into the hands of the Ukrainian Army. Not only was a record amount donated (over £280), but also several breakfasters have now indicated a willingness to raise more funds and to help with a delivery run to Lviv in the summer. Two of the four new volunteers, John Russell, a co-organiser of the breakfasts, and Nicholas Walters have already set up a Just Giving webpage where you can support their plans. 

      The next breakfast, on the 3rd of March, brings an opportunity to hear Justin de Meo speak about the Monte San Martino Trust, a charity founded in 1989 to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of the Italian country people who rescued many of the 50,000 Allied servicemen who were on the run from the Italian PoW camps after the Armistice in September 1943 and attempting to rejoin Allied forces. The trust grants educational bursaries, funds research and maintains an online archive of PoW memoirs. Eric Newby’s book ‘Love and War in the Appenines’ might be good pre-reading.

      Breakfasts are held at The George Inn, Longbridge Deverill and start at 8.15am. The cost is £15, payable in cash at the door, of which £2 will go towards the charity of the speaker's choice. Please note, this is not a club, but is open to all. Just contact the organisers via email (, before the preceding Friday at the latest, if you'd like to attend. 


CVH Thursday Working Group: Heathermary Earley


Codford Training Camp 1917: Danny & Carol Hopkins