Codford Parish Council

About Codford Parish Council

Welcome to Codford Parish Council. Our current Councillors were all co-opted and will serve until May 2025, with Mr. Tom Thornton as our Chairman.

Council Meetings

All our Council Meetings are open to the public and the press. During Committee meetings, the Chairman may allow the public to raise relevant issues. Meeting details are posted on the parish notice boards and our website.  Occasionally, we may need to discuss certain matters in private, such as contractual, legal, or staffing issues, usually at the end of the meeting agenda.

Annual Parish Meeting

Our Annual Parish Meeting is held every May in the village hall. The date and venue are advertised on the parish notice boards and our website. This meeting is a great opportunity for the public to discuss any issues affecting the parish directly with the Council, represented by the Chairman.

Council Vacancies

If there are any vacancies for Councillors, you’ll find them advertised on our Parish notice boards and website. The Council will normally seek to fill the vacancy by inviting (‘co-opting’) someone who has shown interest or is known to the Council. However, if nine or more people on the Electoral Roll request an election, the Council must meet the considerable cost from its reserve funds. This then has to be replenished by a large increase in the Precept (the portion of the Council Tax raised from payers in the parish).

Public Consultation

We love hearing from you! The Council consults the public in various ways, including public open meetings and inviting comments, suggestions, and complaints either in person or in writing.

Clerk to the Council

Our Clerk to the Council is the only paid employee, responsible for handling correspondence, organizing meetings, and maintaining financial records.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. We’re here to help!

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