Codford Fireworks Committee Donates £4,000 to Local Groups.

Thanks to another successful fireworks event last November, the Codford Fireworks Committee has donated £4,000 to support community groups for the second year in a row.

 Here's where the funds are going:

  • Codford Village Hall to improve building facilities.

  • Wylye Valley Parish News to support production costs, including special editions

  • Wylye Valley Primary School to enable them to purchase sports equipment, including five-a-side goals and skipping ropes

  • Codford Caterpillars to help build a new verandah at the pre-school

  • Wylye Valley Riding for the Disabled to help fund their annual summer camp

  • Codford and District Tennis Club to support replacing the remaining fencing.

 Your support continues to make a difference in our community! 🌟


It’s the last Winter Warmers of the season on Saturday 15th March


Old phones to help Ukraine