Prostate Cancer UK Coffee Morning Replaces Community Cafe on May 8th.
On Thursday, May 8th, the community cafe will host a Prostate Cancer UK Coffee Morning. Come along and enjoy some coffee, tea and delicious homemade cakes. There will also be a raffle and cake stall, all to help raise much needed funds for Prostate Cancer UK.
Did you know that one in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is now the most common cancer in men in the UK. There are around 12,000 prostate cancer deaths every year, that's 33 every day.
Many of us will have personal experience of the disease or know someone who has. If caught early enough the prognosis can be good. Royalty and Celebrities have spoken of their own experience to increase awareness of Prostate Cancer. It is no longer a taboo subject to be whispered about or an embarrassment for sufferers.
This coffee morning will raise much needed funding for research and awareness into Prostate Cancer. Unlike breast cancer, there is currently no national screening programme.
If you are male, over 50 or have a family history of prostate cancer or have concerns you have the right to ask your GP for a PSA blood test. We know men are reluctant to visit their GP and it is useful for women to know the symptoms to look for, so they encourage their men folk to get tested. The Prostate Cancer UK website lists the symptoms you should be aware of.
Please come along to the coffee morning to support this worthy cause.
For further details about this event or if you are willing to help or get involved contact Clifford Stride