Codford Village Hall renovation - Alec Thomson

The Trustees of Codford Village Hall have embarked on a major project to improve the insulation and energy efficiency of their well loved and well used village community building. 

We plan to “future proof” the building, reduce running costs, make it more user friendly, save money and protect the environment. 

The project has many Stages and will take some time and lots of money to complete but we have made a good start.  Bids were made for Stage 1 funding both to The Lottery and to the Warminster Area Board.  Both responded well and made very generous and much appreciated donations.  The Lottery awarded us £20,000 and the Area Board £4,900.  With a further boost from our own funds and generous village donors we have been able to go ahead with a contract with New Windows, who are a Warminster based firm.  They are replacing all our old windows which had rotting wooden frames and a poor standard of glazing, with modern high efficiency units.

 Fitters, Mark Hares and Andy Thorne, turned up on schedule early on 6th March and plan to have the job completed by 13th March. 


Codford & District gardening Club April talk.