Upper Wylye Valley Men's Fellowship Breakfasts - 2 Dec and 6 Jan: Richard Jackman

David Shaw, a Codford resident and a familiar face at these breakfasts, who is also Chair of the Upper Wylye Valley Parish News Committee, got 2025 off to a joyful start with his entertaining talk about his early life and his Army career. David speaks well and his talk, "In my Anecdotage; a light-hearted ramble through a life” lived up to expectations and was clearly enjoyed by the breakfasters, who made additional donations that boosted the donation to St Mary’s Church, Codford to over £140. There was strong agreement that David needs to return to the list of prospective speakers to deliver a Part 2.

The speaker at the next breakfast, on Monday 3rd February, is to be Mark Bunting  who is a local supporter of Pick Ups for Peace, a charity that pulls together a convoy of donated 4 WD vehicles, ambulances and quad bikes every few months to deliver aid and equipment directly into the hands of the Ukrainian Army. As well as explaining what the charity does, the talk may also be a bit of a recruiting drive. So if any of you fancy a road trip to Lviv ……. 

Breakfasts cost £15, of which £2 will go towards the charity of the speaker's choice. Please note, this is not a club, but is open to all. Just contact the organisers via email ( uwvmfb@gmail.com), before the preceding Friday at the latest, if you'd like to attend. 


The BIG Corton Breakfast: Sarah Harris


Percy Conduit from Dunkirk to Chungkai, An emotional journey to the Thai Burma Railway: Romy Wyeth