Welcome to
Codford Community!
This isn’t just any website, here you can access the heart and soul of Codford. Use the menu above to find what you need, whether you’re a villager or visiting our village.
March - Mothers Day
Colour In Pages
Click on the pages to print and colour in for Mum
The website is hoping to put some form of quiz or competition up on a monthly basis.
Do we have any budding or experienced quizmasters amongst us, who would be willing to volunteer? You can contribute occasionally, regularly or on a one off basis - whatever works for you! It's not just about questions – it's about creating an interactive experience where everyone gets involved! Quizzes, colouring in competitions or scavenger hunts - we are open to all suggestions. Get in touch with your idea or contribution to codfordcommunity@gmail.com

Village Hall renovations, initially to replace the windows - March 2025.

Ann Levick continues to celebrate her 80th birthday

Woolstore theatre

St Mary's church

Delicious cakes at the Thursday community cafe

St Peter's church

Children enjoying Tennis club

Thursday community cafe
Fun at the annual village fete

Fun at the annual village fete

Badminton club

Park Run

Donkey rides at the annual village fete

Great day at the annual village fete

Thursday community cafe

Fun at the annual village fete

Codford Bell Ringers

More fun at the annual village fete

Tennis club

Children having fun at the Tennis club

Caterpillars visiting the Thursday Cafe

Caterpillars enjoying some time in the Village Hall play park

Wonderful tree in the Village Hall grounds

Codford Bell Ringers