Policing Report Swpt 2023-24: Lukasz Kolasinski 70901
Please find below the policing report from the last year ranging from 29th September 2023 – 29th September 2024.
There has been a total of 40 crimes recorded in your area which is slight increase from last year where 39 were recorded.
Crime data released by the Office for National Statistics shows a decrease in overall recorded crime across Wiltshire, with significant reduction being seen in areas identified as priorities for the force by Chief Constable Catherine Roper - burglary, violence and safer public spaces.
There have been no burglaries in your area this year. In fact, there has been recorded 15 theft related incidents what shows a mild increase to last year where 13 thefts have been recorded. However, these reports are fragmentary concern thefts in homes. The vast majority of thefts has been recorded in business premises, when individuals chose not to pay for the fuel what in technical terms is classified as bilking.
You have a very low level of antisocial behaviour occurring within your area which is good news, only 4 reports for the year, what equals the numbers with last year reports.
We have had 4 reports of RTCs in your area and 7 road related offences (no insurance/MOT, speeding, failing to stop, using other devices while driving). This sees quite significant drop in RTC’s as 8 related incidents has been recorded last year. However, the amount of road related incidents has gone slightly up as 4 of these incidents has been reported last year.
The local neighbourhood team will be increasing their presence in the rural community which will involve a higher level of patrols in the area. This gives local communities the opportunity to engage with officers and express any concerns they may have and also to ask for any advice they may require.
Please be aware of the Bobby Van Trust, a registered charity who work alongside Wiltshire Police and offer a completely free service to anyone over 60 (or over 18 and registered disabled). They offer a free Home Security service which includes checks for door and window locks, lighting, dummy CCTV cameras and more. They also offer a Stay Safe Online service which will help prevent any fraud related offences occurring. Their contact number is 01225 256867 and their website is BobbyVanOnlineSafety@wbvt.org
Lastly can I encourage everyone to sign up to the Community Messaging service, where you can get up to date information on what is going on in your area (QR code on the next page)
Lukasz Kolasinski 70901
Police Community Support Officer
Warminster Rural Beat
Police Station, The Avenue, Warminster, BA12 9AA