Men's Fellowship Breakfasts: Richard Jackman
The first of the new season on Men’s Breakfasts will take place on Monday 7th October, as usual, at The George Inn, Longbridge Deverill, starting at 8.15 am. The speaker will be Jonathan Laver, the President of the MCC. Before the cricketers get too excited, this MCC is The Motor Cycling Club - Britain’s oldest sporting motor club for both motorcycles and cars. Jonathan is a true enthusiast and an entertaining speaker; drawing from his long-time involvement with the Club and the world of classic cars.
The title of Jonathan’s talk is “Untold History” and its genesis is an incident involving gentlemen throwing horse manure in London. His story is of a very British institution that few people know of and one that changed history. if that hasn’t intrigued you sufficiently to come along, nothing will!
Breakfasts cost £15, of which £2 will go towards the charity of the speaker's choice, which on this occasion will be Veterans withDogs.
Please note, this is not a club, but is open to all. Just contact the organisers via email (, before the preceding Friday at the latest, if you'd like to attend.
For your diaries, please note that the November breakfast will not be on the usual first Monday but on Wednesday 6th November in order to accommodate the diary of our speaker, Commander Catherine Roper, Chief Constable of Wiltshire.